Dr. Michalis Vardavoulias
Managing Director
Michail Vardavoulias has 35 years of experience in Materials Science and Surface Modification Technologies. He obtained both, his Engineering Diploma in Metallurgy and his Ph.D degree (Bodosakis Foundation fellowship) in Materials Science, from the National Technical University of Athens, Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Laboratory of Materials Technology.
He worked for 5 years as a Senior Research Engineer in Tribology and Surface Modification Technologies at the Centre of Materials of the “Ecole des Mines” of Paris.
He organised and managed the Thermal Spray and Tribology Department at EBETAM/CERECO (Ceramics and Refractories RTD Centre, Greece).
Between 1998 and 2000 he was the Project Manager of the Hellenic Innovation Relay Centre.
In 2000 he co-founded PyroGenesis SA (https://pyrogenesis-sa.gr/en/home/), an innovative SME dealing with Advanced Materials and Coating Technologies, and he is Managing Director and Chief Technology Officer in the company, since.
He has participated in more than 30 funded EU and National Research Projects and was the coordinator in some of them. He has published more than 130 original research and technical papers in international scientific journals and conference proceedings
In 2007 and 2008, Dr Vardavoulias was a visiting Professor of Materials Science and Technology in the Department of Production Engineers, Polytechnic School, Democritus University of Thrace.
Since 2012, he is the Greek Delegate in the European Thermal Spray Association.
In the last years his main interest is the commercialization of new Thermal Spray applications.

Ioannis Ischnopoulos
Process and Maintenance Engineer
Ioannis Ischnopoulos graduated from the Technological Educational Institute of Chalkis, School of Technological Applications, Department of Electrical Engineering, after submission of his thesis entitled “Control Devices of Digital Circuits”. He has a long working experience, both in Greece and abroad. In Greece, he worked as a shift manager at “EMCO SANDRI ELECTRIC SWITCHBOARDS, LIGHTING, POWER AND AUTOMATION SYSTEMS“, and at “DELTA SA, YOGURT UNIT”, at the electronics department. He also worked for a period of four years at PYROGENESIS SA, as a Production Manager of Metal Powders. From 2011 to 2016, he worked in Montreal, Canada, at “TERRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES INC.”, as an Electrical Engineer and Chief Production Manager in the Department of Solid Waste and Wastewater Treatment Systems. Since 2017 he has been working, again, at PYROGENESIS SA (Technological Park of Lavrion), as a Process and Maintenance Engineer.

Evita Gomoza
Research Engineer
Evita Gomoza graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Thessaly and continued with Master of Sience degree in “Science and Technology of Materials” at the School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). At the moment she is also performing her PhD thesis with title “Development of nanostructured scaffolds for biomedical applications, with improved mechanical and biological behavior” at the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, NTUA. Since 2017, she is working at PyroGenesis SA, as a Research Engineer.

Aristidis Ziatas
Sray Robot Programming Manager & Computational Systems Conservator
Aristidis Ziatas studied at the Institute for Vocational Training – Center for Vocational and Technical Education and Training of Kalamaki Manpower Employment Organization (IEK – KETEK OAED) from 1996 to 1999 and acquired the specialty of Mechanical and Metal Processing Machine Tools Operator with additional knowledge in welding. At the same time, he worked at the Unit of Maintenance/ Repair of Airplane Components at the Repair Department of Rescue Equipment, Olympic Airways. During the period 2000-2001 he worked at “PUBLIC POWER CORPORATION (PPC) KERATEA/ LAVRIO” SA, as an Assistant Conservator, in the Department of Conservation of Steam Generators and then at “ALFA Beton Alafogianni Bros SA”, in the Department of Quality Control, from 2001 to 2003. Since the year 2003, he works at PyroGenesis SA and holds the position of the Programming Manager of the spray robots and the Company’s Computational Systems Conservator.

Panagiotis Grammatikopoulos
Head of Thermal Spray Preparation and Sandblasting
Panagiotis Grammatikopoulos worked at “PROSENT SA”, an awning fabrication company in Koropi, in the Chemistry Department from 1998 to 2003. Since 2003, he works at PyroGenesis SA as Head of Thermal Spray Sample Preparation and Sandblasting. Finally, he is familiar with Clark hoist handling.